Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Cat updates:

She made it through surgery yesterday! This was a big hurdle, as the veterinarian wasn't sure if she was going to survive it with all the trauma she's been through.

Currently, she's got a bunch of bolts and wires holding her jaws together (and open) - her jaw was broken in at least three different places, and they had problems finding solid places to anchor the pieces to, so a lot of it is essentially glued together. Her tongue was displaced during the accident as well, and is swollen as a result of the surgery. She's also lost at least one tooth. What all of this means is that she's eating through a tube for the next few weeks. She may also have suffered some damage to one eye, although we're not certain about that yet.

We don't know how old she is - the vet should be able to tell from her teeth, but given the amount of mouth trauma she's had to deal with he didn't want to root around in there more than necessary, so we're not sure yet. We also don't know if she's been spayed yet. We're pretty certain she was someone's cat at some point, since she doesn't act feral, but she's been neglected.

Now that all of that depressing news is out of the way - support from friends and family has been AMAZING - the vet's office reports they've taken in over $400 for her care since we got the word out, and many others have said they'll send more in. You guys are the best! She's going to need a lot of ongoing care, so if you were thinking about sending some money and aren't sure, please do! (End of shameless begging)

The best news of all? She may be able to come home as early as this weekend!


Blogger ANGEL ABBYGRACE said...

Please keep us updated on her condition! Lots of purrs sent your way.

November 02, 2005 7:55 AM


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