Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Columbus Aberrant Gaming Reunion

(The title should get some interesting hits...)

Gary, John, Jeff, Mark - I know you read this sometimes. Would you be interested? Post if you are, or email me.


Blogger Mark Holtman said...

Yo! Count me in. That would be sweet. There's no union anymore, so we'll have to find somewhere else to play. :)

June 27, 2007 9:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds good. Keep me updated on any details.

June 28, 2007 8:51 AM

Blogger geedeck said...

The timing is a bit lol, but yes I would. I'll also obnoxiously speak for Gary and Max to say they are also likely interested.

June 28, 2007 12:51 PM

Blogger Fogger said...

Is there something about the timing I should know? I'm so out of it, out here in Maryland. :)

Is anyone watching the old erehwon group these days? I put in a request to rejoin (I left years ago) and no one has bothered with it. I'm wondering if it's even still valid.

June 28, 2007 1:17 PM

Blogger ToppsNYK said...

I'm in.

Hmm probably a Jeff lol cause I sent out a Aberrant NY reunuion game message last week. (ANY was how I got Nick and Shen hooked)

June 29, 2007 6:09 AM

Blogger ToppsNYK said...

Erehwon is still there. (noone has posed in forever) I tried to be made owner/mod but scott never got around to it. AFAIK Scott is the only one who has those privvies - maybe Max.

June 29, 2007 6:11 AM


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