Well, the specialists (there are now two of them - a surgeon and a radiologist) weren't available today for the consult after all, so they've got to wait until Monday or Tuesday.
Savannah was more responsive than she's been before, though! I was able to brush her fur (which REALLY needed it) and scratch her and such, and she seemed to really like it. I don't know if I've mentioned before, but I've never had a cat and my interactions with them have been limited, so I'm not sure about kitty body language (unlike dog body language, which I think is pretty easy to read), but she arced her back and kneaded her paws a bit. The vet was encouraged, so that's good! She looked a little better, too, although her face is still messed up. The doc said her jaw would heal quickly, but we still don't know when she'll be okay and ready to come home. (Then we get to introduce her to the birds, and vice versa, and find out if I'm allergic or not)
She had some visual acuity and actually visually tracked people in front of her a bit with her eyes, so she's got some eyesight. We're not sure how much, though, and they were thinking for a while that she might have a detached retina in one eye. [How many things does this cat have to suffer from?] Now it appears that may not be the case, and we know she can see at least a little bit.
Big thanks to the
Incredible Hulk for running a Savannah donation drive over at his blog - they sent us $243.97! One of the techs at the hospital said they'd received $750 in donations
just today! This cat is going to get absolutely world-class care! My wife and I (and Savannah, of course) can't thank you all enough!
We're going to see her tomorrow - more updates after!